Tom Cat males living outdoors cover from 3 to 5 miles of tracks of
formerly marked turf. Everyday rounds make sure that the cat's territory
is well-scented.
People keep 10 million cats as their pet compared to dogs.
All cats have the Tabby gene.
Majority of adult cats do not have enough enzymes needed to digest milk.
The largest part of a kitten growth happens while sleeping.
The 26 milk teeth of kittens are replaced by 30 permanent teeth as they reach maturity.
Permanent kitten teeth develop when they are 12 to 18 weeks old.
even at their young age, have a hunting instinct. They do not just eat
their food but carefully examine it using their paw, similar to an
animal carried from hunting, checking if it is safe to come close to.
Cats are most active during mornings and evenings (twilight and dawn) since these are their primary hunting times.
After successfully hunting for mice or toys, most cats perform a tension releasing dance. This develops their self-confidence.
Cats favor body temperature foods, which are similar to freshly killed prey.
When cats hunt, their whiskers move forward to get information on the prey they are stalking.
The cat's whiskers, like antennae, have the ability to detect nearby movement.
cat's whiskers are sensitive enough to detect the slightest changes in
air currents and air pressure, serving as radar at night or when a storm
is approaching.
Cats are right-pawed or left-pawed (like left-handed), which shows an individual preference for one paw over another.
Whenever cats purr, they express intense emotion or pleasure or pain.
cats are the only ones that can keep their tail vertically up when
walking while wild cats hold their tail horizontally or tucked between
their legs.
Like camels and giraffes, cats walk using 2 right and 2 left legs.
a human has 206 bones inside the body, an average cat contains 244
bones and 60 vertebrae. Almost all of a cat's bones are found in the
tail to give flexibility.
A cat has 517 muscles that allow them to move the front and back parts of the body in opposite directions.
Cats have 26 facial expressions and the parts of their brain that correspond to emotion are the same as that of humans.
Thirty two muscles control a cat's ears that can turn 180 degrees. Humans have only 6 muscles.
have only 473 taste buds to give them a sense of taste unlike humans
that have 9,000. Their taste buds are found on the tip of their tongue.
The taste buds of cats are 25% less than that of humans so they do not have a sweet tooth.